Monday, January 28, 2008

Little Blessings

The Bible tells us over and over that children are a blessing, and they definitely are! I am so grateful that God chose to bless my husband and I with children so easily. We have never had a problem trying to conceive, and with the exception of me miscarrying our first baby, my pregnancies have been easy and without problem. I know what a blessing and miracle this is because it easily could have been different for us. I know this. Now that I've said all that, let me get to the point of this blog.

Any of you with children know that children are a blessing, but there are "those times." You know those times in the store when they start screaming because they don't get what they want, or those times when you have to keep saying, "leave your sister alone!", or when you have to get up at 3 in the morning just to give the baby her pacifier because it fell out of her mouth, or those times when you're in church and they stand in the pew in the middle of your husband's sermon and start dancing around and saying, "shake your booty!" (Okay, I may be personalizing on that last one a little bit.) :o)

Anyway, all I'm saying are, there are those days when you look at your children and think, "Wow, what a wonderful blessing from God!" And then, there are those days that you have to REMIND yourself, "Just remember, they're a blessing from God!" Then, either way you pray. If it's one of the good days you pray to God and thank Him for your children. On the bad days, you pray to God and ask for the strength to make it through without having to be put in a mental institution. :o)

So far, today has been one of the good days. For the most part, my children have been in a good mood, and Isabel has been sharing and being nice to her sister. I thank God for today because I know that tomorrow, I am probably going to have to remind myself, " Just remember, they're a blessing from God! "