Well, we're back! AS I said in my last post, we went to Tennessee for a camp meeting at the church we belong to there. Boy am I glad we did! It was AWESOME!!!!!
Monday night was great, and you could definitely feel the Holy Spirit, two great preachers, two great sermons. We were pumped for Tuesday. Boy am I glad we didn't miss Tuesday. The first preacher was great, and he had a great sermon. When the second preacher started his sermon, oh my! The Holy Spirit fell on that place like a dense fog. You could feel Him. The atmosphere in that church was sweet! We left that place changed and stirred and with a new fire for God. We thought, "How could it get any better than this??" We found out.
Wednesday night we got there, and they had a gospel group singing. They were great, and as they were singing, you could feel the Spirit begin to fall. Then, the first preacher began to preach. I knew when he began to read the scriptures that this sermon was for my husband and me. The tears started to fall for both of us. as God began to speak to us through this wonderful man of God. He preached about the Israelites being in the desert after they were delivered at the Red Sea. It was our story exactly. We saw God work wonderfully when we were in Tennessee at Parkers Creek. Then, God moved us back to Illinois, and it is a desert here! The Israelites began to complain. Boy have David and I done our share of that! The pastor said that they were complaining but where they were was exactly where God wanted them to be. Ouch...that hurt. Then, the second preacher preached about how God sometimes has to bring us to the end of ourselves before He can use us. That hurt too. So, David and I went to the alter and fell before God and prayed. What a sense of relief! In the car, David told me that at the beginning of the first sermon, he heard a still small voice say, "This one's for you." Amazing how God works that way and confirms things in other people. We heard the same thing from God at the same time!
We left Tennessee renewed, relieved, refilled, refreshed, and ready to work! Now, we are just waiting on God to show us where. God is so awesome! We were totally dry going in, but now my cup runneth over! I can't wait to see what God will do next in our lives and at Parkers Creek Baptist Church in Burns, TN. He's moving there in a mighty way, and it's about to explode! I feel like our lives are about to explode in God's work too. I can't wait!
In other news, my baby turned 1 today. :o( I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with her. They grow up so fast! Blink and you will miss it! She is such a wonderful blessing from God. I just wish she would lsow down! :o(
The original
5 years ago
Praise the Lord!
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