Sunday, July 20, 2008


Tomorrow, we are going to take Isabel to VBS. This will be her first time. I am hoping she will do okay. I'm pretty sure she will once she gets there and starts playing with the other kids. She does well in Sunday School and in the nursery.

I'm sad though because I miss participating in VBS. The church that we went to in Tennessee just got done with their VBS, and they had 11 children saved, which is awesome! Since we have moved back to Illinois, David has been preaching here, there, and everywhere and was even the interim pastor of a small church for about 6 months. Because of that, we haven't been able to connect to a local church. In fact, our membership is still at our church in Tennessee. We've visited different churches, and we haven't felt the pull to join any of them. We REALLY want to be connected to a church. We know we need to be. We are planning to visit another church next Sunday. We're hoping maybe it will be the right one for us. We really miss our church in Tennessee. It was an awesome church with awesome people, and God was (and still is) doing awesome things there. We want to be a part of that here too. Hopefully, we'll be able to connect soon, or David will find a pastorate somewhere. He has a trial sermon on August 3, so please pray for him and for us.

Anyway, I hope Isabel has a great time at VBS tomorrow and wants to keep going back for the whole week.